May I present: The Ionian Mode

Great that you are here 🙂

Today you get to know the Ionian Mode. 

If you can play the different modes, your piano skills will improve immensely. 

Are you ready? 

Watch the video now!

See you next Sunday 🙂  

This video is part of my premium class Piano Complete!

Check it out here!

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  • Thank you Thomas for all your great info.. very much appreciated..

    • Hi Adriana,
      you are welcome 🙂

      Have fun playing and practicing piano

  • Even though I have not subscribed to your premium class Piano Complete, I really appreciate seeing you at the beginning of each week with a short bit of good information about music and piano playing in my inbox. Happy New Year In THE IONIAN MODE>>>>starting on C or on D or on E or on F or on G or on A or on B! There are SEVEN IONIAN SCALES for us to enjoy fooling around with! Elizabeth Sherk, piano teacher at North York Suzuki School of Music in Toronto.

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