Piano Lesson 2

By Thomas Forschbach

Wow! The next step... lesson 2 is here  🙂

Today you will learn all the notes we need to play 1000s of beautiful piano songs.

Please leave your feedback below or send me an email to [email protected]. I love to hear from my students!! I also try to become a little bit better every day.

Your piano teacher,

    • Hi Ari
      thanks for your feedback.
      Keep up the good work and have fun practicing with the next lessons 🙂

    • Hi Salim,
      thanks for your great feedback.

      Have fun playing piano

  • James Holloway says:

    Very very very good.
    I can really learn from
    These lessons
    I am 81 years and play saxaphone.
    Iv'ed always wanted to learn to play piano.
    This is the best.
    I'm just at the second lesson.
    It's great.

  • wow i didn't think i would ever be able to play a C cord in 1 lesson!

    • Thomas Forschbach says:

      Hello Mia,

      That's fantastic to hear! I'm happy that you were able to play the C chord so quickly. It's amazing what one can achieve with the right guidance and a bit of practice. Keep up the great work, and I'm excited to see your progress as you continue with the lessons. Thank you for sharing your experience with us!

      Warm regards,

  • Sue Andrews says:

    Excellent, thank you…What a lovely positive tone in your voice and upbeat and user friendly approach to teaching 🙏

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}